Topic: Uncategorized

Are You 100% Monogamous?

I want to share a true story. I’ll call them Rob and Amy for confidentiality purposes.

Rob is a public speaker in his field; he’s highly successful and effective as well with clients. This gives him a lot of personal power. Many women are attracted to Rob–a charismatic, good looking person of substance.

Rob’s wife, Amy, is a beautiful and equally smart woman of substance. Amy was often left home to be the one to do most chores, get the kids off to school, and work, too. Some of her basic emotional needs were not getting met in the relationship.

Amy came in my office about to leave the marriage due to Rob’s need for attention and confirmation from other women. No affair had taken place, but Amy didn’t feel she was important to Rob, and was jealous of all the female attention he received, and liked. It felt to her […]


Love, Love, and More Hot Love!

Holy Moly! Is it Hot Outside!? As I’m taking some time to cool off from my work life for a week I wanted to share Bryan Cohen’s excellent article about Love. How to grow more love in a relationship. I don’t know Bryan, but I imagine that since he’s so in touch with his emotions, he’s a pretty good writing coach as well as someone who is in earnest to be a good lover!


Happiness is Giving

The Lessons of Stephen Covey #3:
Love is a Verb

Whenever I write an article that doesn’t directly connect with writing, I wonder if I shouldn’t start a new blog entirely. Then I realize that for many of the people reading the site, writing is a passion or a dream. Improving yourself whether it be your mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual health is directly connected to improving how often you convert those passionate objectives. […]


Twilight Zone and Compassion Toward You.

Ever since I can remember my mind often does this kinda quirky thing. When I’m in a situation that is daunting, or challenging I get flashes of songs or movies that bring humor, insight, alternative perspectives. More on that in a moment. This morning was one of those times. It was a challenge.

This. THIS, I told myself, was going to be the morning I get that walking in the morning routine established. So, leaving out at 7 a.m. with my two dogs I hit the trail. Initially, there is some trepidation about how my Sophie will do….my 7 year old mini-Aussie. We have had, shall I say, a “journey” together. A journey of trying to help her get over what seems to be PTSD for dogs when any dog comes within range of her eyesight. She goes into deep rabid sounding barking, screaming between barks, and lunging despite many […]


7 Reasons to Hire a Relationship Coach

Make a New Life Together That Lasts

With all of the changes that have gone on in society since the turn of the millineum one thing has become clear. We are living in a time period focused on connections of all types. People, males and females alike, want to know how to create and keep a real, authentic, close and connected relationship.

Young folks these days are wanting nothing to do with the 50% divorce rate of the past century.

Investing in your relationship with a professional who knows psychotherapy, the latest research on couples work for what makes relationships grow and last over a lifetime, and who uses a coaching model can help you achieve some great results.

Below are listed some advantages to working with a relationship coach who has the above mentioned background:

1) You will get help in creating a vision for where you want to go in your […]


3 Things to Do When You Want to Leave Your Relationship

If your spouse were stuck in the relationship with you–would he/she be stuck ON you?

The infatuation stage is over. You feel as if you found your soulmate and made him/her yours. You married and enjoyed perhaps another year of bliss. Then it hit the fan. That person who so completely filled you up now seems to be so different, and so annoying. Or you’ve been married longer term and you can’t stand the person sitting across the breakfast table from you, and you can’t wait until the kids leave home so you can make your exit.

If you could save your marriage and be happy would you?

Putting aside here that there are some good reasons to leave a relationship and we’re assuming that those conditions are not present in your relationship. Conditions like ongoing physical or emotional abuse, serial affairs, addictions, or safety issues all of which have proven to you to […]
