Topic: Dream Tending

Mirror Neurons: Shouldn’t We Finally Consider What Television Has Done to Our Lives?

Happy August!

In the article I’ve linked below, Joe Robinson describes how mirror neurons emotionally connect us all . I say what we all secretly thought to be true–that television effects our brains and therefore our moods and actions–be considered for the impact on our youth. At times, when I get so perplexed by all the garbage shown on television, I wish I could take a double barrel shotgun to the televisions in my home–wouldn’t that be fun? TaWAAAAANDA!

After all, garbage in, garbage out! Think of the satisfaction of seeing it go up in a thousand pieces!

Great article for this month’s post on how mirror neurons effect us. Great read.

Be well. Stay cool. Be YOU!





Secrets To Life of Happiness Unveiled in 75-Year Study

In his Ted Talk, Robert Waldinger expresses so eloquently the reasons to invest in the work to make a marriage more fulfilling. No relationship is easy and does take a lot of work. But if you know how to focus your time and energy in ways that are not just connecting, but bonding and uplifting, you will feel so filled up by the relationship your love will just grow broader and deeper on a daily basis.

My belief is that we as a culture have been so focused in ways that Mr. Waldinger reports from the 75-year study he draws his knowledge from, that we haven’t really known how to create good relationships. And it’s more than using tools that create lasting and fulfilling relationships, it’s also how to repair things when they go awry.

Learning to enjoy and invest emotionally in each other is part of it, yes, but also knowing […]
