Tagged: Spirituality

Biting and Cruel Humor, or Connecting Humor–Which are you?

Humor Is The Affectionate Communication of Insight~ Leo Rosten

I’ll admit that for most of my adult life, humor has been an enigma for me. It is currently a personal goal of mine to learn to use inspiring and relatable humor and always with an open heart.

Correspondingly, I’ll never forget the question a traditional healer asked me some 18 years ago in Peru. I was in South America to study the healing practices of this man’s Q’ero tribe. He, dressed in a traditional red-striped poncho, with a chullu—a traditional knit cap covering his ears, was playing a magical tune on his flute. The two of us—the elderly man and I—walked through a flower-filled meadow. He turned to me with a twinkle in his eye and a contagious, wild smile, and asked: “How will you gladden the hearts of the people who come to see you, Karen? It can’t all […]


How to Cope: Desist, Resist, Step Away!

Robin Williams

Robin Williams’ tragic death, and war and world events in the Middle East have sent people into a tail spin. My phone has been busy with clients seeking solace and advice for the situational depression they are feeling. Mr. Williams’ death has seemingly been the straw that broke the camel’s back for some. Some are afraid that USA will experience an invasion and are worried, anxious, and ill-at-ease. What to do? How to cope?

Evil hates beauty, and lightness, and generosity. Fear, anger, and hate feeds evil. One only has to allow themselves to watch all the violence on television, listen to others’ negative viewpoints or emotions, or read all the darkness present in the world in a newspaper to spiral downward in emotion and have doubt, fear, and depression take over.

The world needs strength, joy, lightness, generosity, kindness, gentleness, and most of all, love shared, acknowledged, and […]
